As some dog breeds are natural clowns, while other dog breeds are prone to more serious attitudes. If you’d love to adopt a fun loving dog, which will always keep you on the top of your toes, continue reading to discover some of the funniest dogs which you can adopt.
The Funniest Dogs:
Chinese Crested:
Chinese Crested are available in a hairless variety which only feature hair on their legs and oversized ears which makes Chinese Crested dogs one of the funniest dog breeds to look at. Although they have huge hearts and are a loving, loyal dog breed.
Neapolitan Mastiffs:
Neapolitan Mastiffs are known for their size and skin rolls. However, what most people don’t know is that they are incredibly goofy and act as if they are much smaller than they are. For example, it’s not unusual to see Neapolitan Mastiffs try to climb up onto their owners’ laps when they’re too large to comfortably fit on their owners’ laps. Neapolitan Mastiffs are truely a dog breed which never grow up and continue to act like puppies, even when they reach their twilight years.
Brussels Griffons:
Brussels Griffons have a slight resemblance to little monkeys are known for their cheeky, playful, mischievous natures. If you’re interested in adopting a dog breed which is hilarious and sweet at the same time, you may want to seriously consider adopting a cute Brussels Griffon. Brussels Griffons are known to strut when they walk and often scowl cutely at any situation, even if they’re happy.
Pugs have charming, charismatic personalities and are known to get up to hijinks that will make you smile and laugh. As an example, if you have multiple pugs, they may try to compete with each other for your attention. Pugs are also class clowns due to their adorable flat faces and large eyes, which allow them to make cute, comical faces. Each pug has a large personality and some pugs are assertive and bossy while other pugs are sneaky and mischievous.
Yorkshire Terriers:
There are a variety of reasons why Yorkshire Terriers are one of the funniest dog breeds in the world. Yorkshire Terriers have a sassy personality and will get up worked up when they don’t get their way. As an example, Yorkshire Terriers will often get stroppy if their owners want to stop playing, when they’re still enjoying playing games such as fetch. Another reason why Yorkshire Terriers are naturally funny is that they reverse sneeze, which can be adorable to witness.
Boston Terriers:
Boston Terriers are funny as they have oversized large eyes, large ears and small heads. They also have playful, light hearted personalities and love nothing more than playing with their owners and other dogs. Boston Terriers are also hilarious as they have plenty of energy and love to run around in circles to burn off additional energy. Click here to learn more.
Bull Terriers:
Bull Terriers are a hilarious dog breed as they have comical faces and have extremely long noses and tiny eyes. As Bull Terriers also have large mouths, they often look like they’re smiling from ear to ear. Bull Terriers have adorable, cheeky personalities and quickly win over legion of fans. As it’s hard not to fall in love with Bull Terriers quirky faces and loveable personalities.
So if you’re looking to add a funny, loveable dog to your household, it’s well worth researching some of the hilarious yet cute dog breeds which are listed above!
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