The meals which you choose to fuel your body can have a huge impact on your energy levels and your ability to achieve your workout goals. In order to be able to give your daily workouts your all, it’s important to carefully select healthy, nutritionally balanced meals. To discover some of the best meals for fitness, simply continue reading in order to gain a bit of valuable fitness focused nutrition inspiration.
Protein shakes
Protein shakes are ideal to consume after challenging workouts as they contain the necessary protein to help your body rebuild muscle tissue, which can become damaged during difficult workouts. As a bonus protein shakes are also packed full of essential vitamins and nutrients, which will give you the energy which you need to maintain a healthy, active lifestyle. You may also want to consider adding fruit which is vitamin rich to your protein shakes such as blueberries, bananas, strawberries and raspberries.
If you’re not a fan of protein shakes, you may prefer the idea of creating your own home made smoothies using bananas, unsweetened Greek yoghurt and your choice of fruit. You can also add wheatgrass to your home made smoothies.
Smoked or grilled salmon served with grilled asparagus
Salmon is a lean, healthy meat which contains little fat but which is packed full of iron and nutrients. In order to ensure that your salmon doesn’t lose any of its nutrients during your cooking process, it’s a great idea to either grill or smoke your salmon. To add a bit of flavor to your meal, squeeze a bit of lemon juice onto of your salmon and garnish it with your choice of herbs such as dill or thyme.
As it’s a great idea to consume some greens with your smoked salmon, prepare a side of grilled asparagus which you can drizzle a bit of olive oil over. Alternatively you can always pair your grilled or smoked salmon with a simple yet nutritious side salad.
Hearty vegetable soups
Another way to ensure that your body retrieves the nutrients and vitamin which it needs to function properly is to prepare hearty vegetable soups, using readily available seasonal vegetables. As an example, you may want to prepare a low fat, tomato soup or you may want to create a healthy leek and sweet potato soup. Alternatively, you can’t go wrong preparing a traditional pumpkin soup.
Oatmeal and greek yoghurt topped off with blueberries
In the mornings, you can’t go wrong preparing oatmeal which is topped off with unsweetened natural Greek yoghurt and blueberries. To sweeten your oatmeal you can even add a drizzle of natural honey, such as manuka honey to your breakfast bowl.
Tofu and vegetable stir fry
If you’re vegan or vegetarian or simply enjoy meat free meals, it’s also well worth adding tofu and vegetable stir fry to your weekly meal rotation. As stir fry is a great way to add vegetables such as green beans, chinese cabbage and carrots to your diet.
So if you love working out and working towards achieving your health and fitness goals, it’s well worth trying out some of the delicious, workout friendly meal ideas which are listed above.
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